Short description
The topology of the Buck-Boost converter is shown above which has the following electrical components:
- a DC input voltage
- a load resistor R,
- a filter capacitor C,
- an inductor L
- and two complementary switches.
Drawing these elements in LaTeX can be achieved using CircuiTikZ package, built using TikZ/PGF.
Buck Boost converter CircuiTikZ code
The TikZ code of the buck-boost converter is given below:
\documentclass[border=0.2cm]{standalone} % Load the package \usepackage{circuitikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[american] % Change components size \ctikzset{ resistors/scale=0.7, capacitors/scale=0.7, diodes/scale=0.7, inductors/coils=6 } % Draw Voltage and switch \draw (0,0) to[V, invert, l=$V_{in}$, i_>=$i_s$] ++(0,3) -- ++(1,0) node[nigfete, rotate=90, label=S, solderdot, anchor=D](switch){}; \draw (switch.E) -- ++(1,0) coordinate(a1); % Draw Diode \draw (a1) to[D*,l= D,invert] ++(3,0) coordinate(a2); % Draw resistor \draw (a2) -- ++(1.5,0) to[R, l_=R, v^>=$\:V_o$, i>_=$i_o$] ++(0,-3) -- ++(-1.5,0) coordinate(a3); % Draw ground \node[ground] at (a3) {}; % Bottom lines \draw (a3) -- ++(-3,0) coordinate(a4); \draw (a4) -- (0,0); % Draw capacitor \draw (a3) to[curved capacitor,*-*,l=C] (a2); % Draw inductor \draw (a4) to[cute inductor,*-*,i_<=$i_L$] (a1); % \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}