TikZ Line Styles: Chessboard Illusion as an example

This tutorial was a challenge for me to draw the shifted chessboard illusion in TikZ with a minimal code as possible. 

If you ask any TikZ user to draw the next illustration, you will get many interesting ideas about how they see it from a coding point of view. 

Simplify your coding journey

Here some comments about the illustration:

Point 1: The illustration consists of rectangles filled with white and black colors; 

Point 2: Rows are similar with a shifting along the x-axis by 0.25cm or -0.25cm

For the first point: we can draw rectangles with different filling colors using a foreach loop. But, we can simplify it by drawing a line with the following specifications: 

  • line width equals to 1cm;
  • line style: dashed (1cm on and 1 cm off)

and from here it comes the idea of this tutorial. 

For the second point: we will create a loop that draws a dashed line shifted by 1cm along the y-axis and 0.25 (or -0.25) along the x-axis.

For curious guys, Click here to see the code!




\foreach \i\j in {0/0, 1/0.25,2/0.5,3/0.25,4/0,5/0.25,6/0.5,7/0.25}{

	\draw[line width=1cm,
				dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm,
				xshift=\j cm] (0,\i) -- ++(11.5,0);

	\draw[black!60] (0,\i-0.5) rectangle ++(11.5,1);



Customize dashed lines in TikZ

Drawing a line between two points can be easily done using the command \draw (point1) -- (point2); or using relative coordinates \draw (point1) -- ++ (increment);. The line width can be changed by providing the option line width=value to the draw command. 




% Customized dashed line
\draw[ line width=1cm,
	dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm] (0,0) -- ++(11.5,0);



Compiling this code yields:

customized dashed line in TikZ

Customized dashed line in TikZ

The above code draws a line from the point (0,0) to the point with 11.5cm far along the x-axis. The line width is chosen equal to 1cm. The line style is dashed with 1 cm on and 1 cm off using the option: dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm

Let's move to the second row!

Shift a path in TikZ

A path can be shifted easily by providing xshift=value cm or yshift=value cm to the path command. If we have multiple paths created with different commands, we can add them inside a scope environment and add the shifting options to the scope. 

two dashed lines in Latex tikz

The above illustration is obtained by the following code:




% row 1
\draw[ line width=1cm,
	dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm] (0,0) -- ++(11.5,0);

% row 2
\draw[ line width=1cm,
	dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm,
	xshift = 0.25cm] (0,1) -- ++(11.5,0);



Two parameters have been changed to draw row 2 with respect to row 1. 

  • One changes the y-axis value of the starting point;
  • The second shifts the whole path by 0.25cm along the x-axis.

In total, we have 8 rows and to minimize the code we can use foreach loop.

Use for loop for repetitive shapes

The for loop has two parameters: 

  • parameter 1: this one is used to set the y-axis value (0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7)
  • parameter 2: this one is used to set the shifting value (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.25 )

Here is the corresponding LaTeX code




\foreach \i\j in {0/0, 1/0.25,2/0.5,3/0.25,4/0,5/0.25,6/0.5,7/0.25}{

	\draw[line width=1cm,
				dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm,
				xshift=\j cm] (0,\i) -- ++(11.5,0);



The first loop variable is named \i and the second loop variable is named \j. For more details, I invite you to check this post how to use foreach loop in LaTeX

Here is the obtained illustration:

Without a border

Tikz line styles

With a border

To add a border to each row, we can draw a rectangle at each step of the foreach loop which has 11.5cm width and 1 cm height.

Here is the final code:




\foreach \i\j in {0/0, 1/0.25,2/0.5,3/0.25,4/0,5/0.25,6/0.5,7/0.25}{

% Draw rows
	\draw[line width=1cm,
				dash pattern=on 1cm off 1cm,
				xshift=\j cm] (0,\i) -- ++(11.5,0);

% Border of each row
	\draw[black!60] (0,\i-0.5) rectangle ++(11.5,1);



If you have any comments, suggestions or an optimized code, I will be happy to hear from you ❤️