Shipping Label 8163 Template in LaTeX

  • This post is about creating the shipping label 8163 template in LaTeX using TikZ package. One page has 10 labels, each one has 4inches width and 2 inches height. The aim of this example is to learn how to draw rectangles with rounded corners and use foreach loop for repetitive shapes.  
8163 shipping label LaTeX template

Short description

  • Each label corresponds to a rectangle with 4 inches width and 2 inches height. The rectangle has rounded corners and drawn 10 times using two foreach loops. Text and images can be added using node command. Check the code below!

LaTeX template of the 8163 shipping label 


% Adjust page margins

% Package


% Remove page numbers 


% Two For loops
\foreach \i in {0,4.1}{
	\foreach \j in {0,-2,-4,-6,-8} {
		\draw[rounded corners=0.5cm] (\i in,\j in) rectangle ++(4in,2in);


8163 shipping label LaTeX template Printable

8163 shipping label Template + Details 


% Adjust page margins

% Package


% Remove page numbers 


% Two For loops
\foreach \i in {0,4.1}{
	\foreach \j in {0,-2,-4,-6,-8} {
		\draw[rounded corners=0.5cm] (\i in,\j in) rectangle ++(4in,2in);

% Text details
		\node[right,align=left] at ($(\i in,\j in )+(0.1in,1in)$)
			{Clean it Supply \\
				123 Chestnut Street\\
				Anywhere, USA, 12345};
% Add logo
		\node[right] at ($(\i in,\j in )+(2.2in,1in)$)


  • If you would to see a detailed tutorial about it, leave me a comment below or reach me via e-mail at, I will be happy to hear from you!