Short description
LaTeX code of the equivalent model of two inverters
\documentclass[border=0.2cm]{standalone} % Package \usepackage[RPvoltages]{circuitikz} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}[american] % Components size \ctikzset{ resistors/scale=0.7, capacitors/scale=0.7, diodes/scale=0.7, inductors/coils=6 } % Circuit Code \draw (0,0) node[ground]{} to[sV,l=$E_1 \angle{ \alpha}$,i=$i_1$] ++(0,2.5) to[cute inductor,l=$jX_1$,-*] ++(3,0) node[above]{\small $V \angle{0}$} coordinate(MidPoint) to[cute inductor,l=$jX_2$] ++(3,0) to[sV,l=$E_2 \angle{ \delta}$,i<=$i_2$] ++(0,-2.5)node[ground]{}; \draw (MidPoint) to[european resistor, l=$Z_\mathrm{load}$] ++(0,-2.5) node[ground]{}; % Labels \node[gray] at (0,-1){Inverter 1}; \node[gray] at (6,-1){Inverter 2}; \end{circuitikz} \end{document}
Special thanks to Hans Schülein for his remark about labelling the circuit, I really appreciate it!