Short description
LaTeX code of the boost converter
\documentclass[border=0.2cm]{standalone} % Packages \usepackage{circuitikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} % coordinate calculation \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}[american] % Scale components \ctikzset{ resistors/scale=0.7, capacitors/scale=0.7, diodes/scale=0.7, } % PV module label \fill[fill=yellow!5] (-1.5,-2.5) rectangle (2.5,2.5) node[midway,below=2.5cm,black]{{PV module}}; % Boost converter label \fill [cyan!5] (2.7,-2.5) rectangle (9.8,2.5) node[midway,below=2.5cm,black]{{DC/DC Boost Converter}}; % Load label \fill [green!5] (10,-2.5) rectangle (12,2.5) node[midway,below=2.5cm,black]{Load}; % Add an image in TikZ \node[ draw, thick, outer sep=0pt ] (panel) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=2.5cm]{PV-module}}; % Top horizontal path (L,D) \draw (panel.53) to [short,i=$i_{pv}$] ++(2,0) coordinate(a1) to[cute inductor,l=$L$] ++(3.5,0) coordinate(b1) to[D*,l=$D$] ++(2.5,0) coordinate(c1) to [short,i=$i_{o}$] ++(2,0)coordinate(d1); % Bottom horizontal path (L,D) \draw (panel.-53) -- ++(2,0) coordinate(a2) -- ++(3.5,0) coordinate(b2) -- ++(2.5,0) coordinate(c2) -- ++(2,0)coordinate(d2); % Add a resistor \draw (d1) to[R, v_=$v_o$,l=$R$] (d2); % Add input capacitor \draw (a1) to[C,l=$C_{in}$,*-*] (a2); % Add output capacitor \draw (c1) to[C,l_=$C_{out}$,*-*] (c2); % Add switch \node[nigfete] (switch) at ($0.5*(b1)+0.5*(b2)$){ Q} ; \draw (b1) node[]{$\bullet$}-- (switch.D); \draw (b2) node[]{$\bullet$} -- (switch.E); % Panel connectors \node[fill=black,right,inner sep=2pt] at (panel.53){}; \node[above right] at (panel.53){\small +}; \node[fill=black,right,inner sep=2pt] at (panel.-53){}; \node[below right, inner ysep=6pt] at (panel.-53){\Large \_}; \end{circuitikz} \end{document}
The code requires the following PV Panel image, download it and put it in the same folder with main LaTeX file: