- This example is about drawing equivalent resistor circuit in LaTeX using TikZ and CircuiTikZ packages. It consists mainly on drawing resistors in series and in paralle.
Short description
- The circuit consists of resistors with labels. We need to save coordinates to draw intermediate resistors. We need to add short circuit element to get open connection of A and B. We loaded the package siunitx to be able to use standard units (ohm for resistors)
LaTeX code of the circuit
% Packages
% Circuit code
\draw (0,0) node[below=0.2cm]{B}
to[short,o-] ++(0,1)coordinate(b1)
to[short] ++(1.5,0)
to[R,l_=$\SI{4}{\ohm}$] ++ (0,2.5)coordinate(c1)
to[R,l_=$\SI{4}{\ohm}$] ++ (0,2.5)
to[short] ++ (-1.5,0) coordinate(a1)
to[short,-o] ++ (0,1) node[above=0.2cm]{A} ;
\draw (a1) to[short,*-] ++ (-1.5,0)
to[R,l_=$\SI{3}{\ohm}$] ++(0,-2.5) coordinate(c2)
to[R,l_=$\SI{5}{\ohm}$] ++(0,-2.5)
to[short,-*] ++ (1.5,0);
\draw (c2) to[R,l=$\SI{3}{\ohm}$,*-*] (c1);
- If you would to write a detailed tutorial about it, leave me a comment below or reach me via e-mail at admin@latexdraw.com, I will be happy to hear from you!